Free Bitcoin With Your PC

Want to GO BIG?

Do you want to maximize this Amazing Online Offer that literally costs you nothing, but has the potential to leverage free Bitcoin on your PC, and Bitcoin Mining to create potential $Millionaires?  Then allow us to connect you with exactly what we do. Follow the system we found and get ready to learn how online marketing works. Learn to create a way where you can make online income from all over the GLOBE.  GO TO BLOG WITH RORY HERE: And be able to learn how to get your own Link Post Blogging site working for you. Including being able to post and get in front of people Globally about this Amazing Online Program earning Free Bitcoin!

Should Bitcoin hit $1 million per Coin then your 60mBTC would then be worth $60,000.00. Fun stuff right? NEED MONEY in a pinch? You can transfer from BITCOIN to several currencies at any time. Pay off debt, buy a new car, buy a new house… it is all a matter of how much the Bitcoin is worth at the time you transfer from BITCOIN to another Currency.

Start Earning With Your PC Today

Free Bitcoin

Ready to get involved in mining bitcoin?  You are about to begin receiving and earning Free Bitcoin with your PC. Whether you know or understand bitcoin or cryptocurrencies does not make a difference. This program that you have just found here is literally the best way for anyone with a PC to be able to participate in mining bitcoin. This is literally FREE BITCOIN, right at your fingertips:

  • 100% no cost to you, and nothing to pay out of pocket
  • Do nothing to get started and earn free bitcoin with your PC, immediately upon set-up
  • It is 100% real, and it works, with no gimmicks or strings attached
  • Plus this is 100% really easy to do

This also works whether you understand bitcoin (BTC) or not. Once you get started, you will be given a load of education to become a part of this epic opportunity. Most of all, you will become an actual part of technological advancement in history. YOU NEED TO ACT FAST. This may not be available for long and is not promised to be available for new “Smart Miner” partners too far in the

Free Bitcoin: Step by Step With Your PC

 Here are the Simple Steps to getting this going.

Enroll Here (if you have not already done so in Step 1 above)

Download the Smart Miner Software

RUN the Smart Miner Software

IF YOUR FIREWALL or ANTI-VIRUS blocks it as “Malware,” you will need to create an Exception.  

Once you Run the Software, it will give you an OPTION to “Run Benchmark”- RUN IT. It will take several minutes to analyze your PC/Device for performance and expected Day/Month/Year earnings (based on the current valuation of the Bitcoin).

Then Click on Start Earning

By default, it will be set to “SMART” which only runs when you are not using your Computer’s Resources. It will only run in the background and will increase only when it detects that your computer is not in use. The other options to set it at are 90%, 50%, or off.

You can access your Account from up to 5 total devices and have them running simultaneously and earning on all.  The more the merrier.

You can also use your Referral Link to Share this with others. See “MAXIMIZE your BITCOIN Earnings” below in STEP 3 for more details. There are no limits when you deploy this correctly. It is possible to earn upwards of 1 Bitcoin a Month or more even. Details Below.

Once you get everything Set-Up and running: You will easily see where to add your BITCOIN payment method. If you do not already have a BITCOIN address (if you have BITCOIN already – use that one), then you follow the easy instructions to get one. Then, add it to your profile, and that is where you will be paid your BITCOIN. Payout minimal Bitcoin, see your monthly results, and the more your share the more you earn.

As you are getting to this point – I know things seem too good to be true. This is true… and you and everyone you care about (while it is available) need to get going with it. Start here, and make it happen.