The Day for fathers

 The day for fathers

Next to Mother’s Day, the day for fathers is one of the most important holidays. I’m only kidding. We are equally important. I can’t think of a better reason to celebrate than to express your love and affection for the one who raised you. There are so many things that you can do.

The Description of A Father

A happy family is the reflection of a good father and husband. He may not be perfect, but he teaches and practices respect. Dad shows by example and sets a strong foundation for his family. He builds a legacy to be carried on by his children, and he gives it his all. A father has to be kind and understanding, but also consistent with discipline. With all this being said, there must be a day set aside to celebrate all of their hard work.

The Day for Fathers to Enjoy

What I love most about Father’s Day is that Dads don’t care what you do and they always like the fun stuff. Really, you get two celebrations. One with the kids and one with Mom and Dad alone. You have their favorite breakfast and dinner, go to do their favorite activities, and then you can just relax or celebrate together all of the joys of life. Oh, I almost forgot, the cake.

Plus, it is the hardest job in the world. Being a parent is always rewarding, but it has many ups and downs. It is tiring in the beginning, then fun, then exciting, and after all of that, they grow up. It is really hard when you stop getting to do all of the traditions that you created throughout their childhoods.

Ideas for Your Day

Father’s day does not have bad weather reasons to cancel celebrations. It may rain, but you can be inside and enjoy many activities that dad will love. One of my favorite things that we can do on Father’s Day is fishing. What is better than loading up the tackle box and heading to his favorite body of water? Whatever his are you can always find something for the man who has everything. Oh and depending on where you want to go, here you can find the most convenient way to get there. Don’t forget to plan ahead the day will be here before you know it. If you want to let dad have two days a year, he may be able to begin his special days on the day of The Super Bowl. This day may need some extra stuff to make it exciting.

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