Direct to Consumer (DTC)

Direct to consumer, D2C, or DTC stands for the way of selling products to customers by having control over the whole sales process. Therefore, this growing area of sales skyrocketed during the Covid virus. The pandemic forced consumers to trust the ones in control of the entire supply chain process and the suppliers to find alternative ways to deliver services and products. The world quickly forced brands and manufacturers to hurry up with this new up-and-coming way of business. E-Commerce sales soared like eagles. This type of sales compares to wholesale selling with many advantages.

  • direct relationship with customers
  • use data collected to create specific targeted marketing campaigns
  • can keep their brand closely aligned with their values and missions
  • have better control over inventory
  • can adjust inventory to changes quickly without waste
  • can offer personalized service
  • can generate higher margins of profit
Direct to Consumer

The Way We Market

Our online community has already been delivering education and services to people in this way for years. We are an online Community of “Work From Home Entrepreneurs.” Learning from the 33 years of Marketing Expertise of Rory Ricord. Rory Ricord is a published author of “Marketing Is Freedom.” Marketing is Freedom is available on Amazon, Audible, and directly at

Direct-to-consumer marketing allows consumers to get the items that they need without all of the middlemen and jargon. All businesses can thrive using this model. Fortunately, by finding this community, you can experience DTC marketing at its best.

Our Direct-to-Consumer Marketing Family

Direct to Consumer

In our large marketing family, we have amazing people that want to give back to others the same way it was given to them. If you give it a chance, with an open mind, you will see that it makes complete sense. Rory and Tanya Ricord have devised a perfect strategy to target the perfect market. Here at this organization, we are fortunate to have a couple with a vision toward success. They have a knack to see into the future and plan ahead. So because of this, our community is growing and thriving every day. Direct to Consumer marketing is here to stay, and Rory and Tanya Ricord knew this long ago. The first and foremost item to be enjoyed through direct to consumer marketing is a premium selection of true, fine wines from Napa Valley. You will enjoy these special vintages, share them, and enjoy them while you wait for the next Vintage to age, naturally.

Second, we have an amazing opportunity for you to enjoy getting healthy while you build a business. It is an amazing way to reach your future goals in five years and retire happy.

while you enjoy yourself searching this site for opportunities and great items, you can contact us for help and information about creating a better life. We are always here to assist you with anything you may need.

Virtual Teaching Alternative

With all of the many complications in the world today, we must continue to work hard at teaching the next generations. This is not an easy task.

Virtual Teaching

With the need for Homeschool help, tutoring, and alternatives to the typical brick-and-mortar schools, this will be a solution for all.

How it works: virtual teaching alternative

It will also allow the teacher to express their enjoyment of teaching. With this unique platform, the teacher can actually educate students from all over the world. Not only that, they will be able to set their own earning potential.

Once approved for the program, you will get access to your back office. You will have your own zoom link as well as training on how to set up your own channel, and it will be your access to everything you will need.

On your YouTube channel, you will introduce yourself and what grades and subjects you will be teaching. As well as describing your own unique style and techniques to teach those subjects. Although we still want good, quality education, we also want excitement and uniqueness. Of course, enthusiasm in presenting your subject matter to the student is a teaching quality that you already have. Remember, your ability to appeal to the potential student or parent determines your pay. The more attraction and appeal you have in presenting yourself as a teacher, the more potential you have to earn.

Our BrainFood Online Private School Program With a Virtual Teaching Alternative

Since this is a private (Charter) school, there is a fee to attend. In comparison, the price is very low and reasonable. As a classified private school, your state may issue grants or other funding for alternative private school education. To get access to the curriculum, the cost is $99 a month per family. This enables you to get access to the information available for you to do your own homeschool program. This cost allows you access to Zoom instructions with the teacher of choice with the subject that you need. If a class is missed, you will then have access to the video recording. Below you will find the cost for each grade. Of course, our kindergarten class will be free on Zoom with just the initial $99 monthly fee. Kindergarten is FREE.

  • 1st Grade $109 Monthly
  • 2nd Grade $109 Monthly
  • 3rd Grade $109 Monthly
  • 4th Grade $109 Monthly
  • 5th Grade $109 Monthly
  • 6th Grade $109 Monthly
  • 7th Grade $109 Monthly
  • 8th Grade $109 Monthly
  • 9th Grade $129 Monthly
  • 10th Grade $129 Monthly
  • 11th Grade $129 Monthly
  • 12th Grade $129 Monthly

Home and virtual education alternatives provide more flexibility, personalization, and safety, making them viable alternatives to consider. Ultimately, the decision on how to educate your child should be based on what works best for your family, taking into account your child’s individual needs, interests, and values.

You Control What You Earn

With each class maxing out at 500 students, your ability to teach multiple grades and subjects is a plus.

With our FMS vortex platform, you will gain access to other marketable programs. You will be able to access the teaching platform, promote it to friends and family, and advertise it yourself. In the FMS Vortex, you will have access to those inside programs as well. The choice is really up to you. As you will be an independent contractor, your earning potential in this program is virtually limitless.

Students in grades 1-8 are permitted to attend up to 5 classes daily.

Students in grades 9-12 are permitted to attend up to 6 classes daily.

The pay structure will be set up in the FMS vortex system, and then the Zoom classroom fees will be covered. Training for YouTube will be given as well as instruction on the curriculum material. As part of the FMS vortex platform, you can also earn more money by promoting the other goods and services offered in this program. You have the potential to build a huge customer base or even partnerships and teams throughout the world.

Criteria and Requirements For Applying:

We want loving, compassionate, exciting, enthusiastic, and educated teachers in our program. No couch potatoes or others out just looking to make a paycheck. Remember, your enthusiasm is what will draw the students to you. LET THEM KNOW GINA COSTELLO SENT YOU WHEN YOU SIGN UP HERE.

You Must:

Virtual teaching alternative
  1. Have a 4-year degree
  2. Having experience in the teaching field is preferred. College graduates/retired teachers are encouraged to apply.
  3. Really love to teach and have something to offer outside the ordinary. Not looking for someone to just earn a check.
  4. You will need to join the DTCA Vortex for payment access.
  5. Create a YouTube channel and video showcasing your unique qualification and talent. Introduce yourself to your potential students and their families. (Training and instruction will be provided)
  6. Have dedication and commitment to the program
  7. Have the willingness to be above reproach and to set a higher standard in education

Gina Costello

Gina Costello

My name is Gina Costello, and I would like to tell you a little of the story behind this site. Gina’s Ginormous Gifts and Gems is loaded with great stuff. I started out as Gina Freeman, and I don’t have a large number of great family stories. Guaranteed, there is a great history behind everyone’s story, sometimes families just don’t discuss it. I had a very joyful early childhood with my grandmother, and that contains wonderful memories. Ultimately, I enjoyed all of the entertainment of the Good Ol’ Days. To continue with the good times, I lived across the street from the Shaw Family. He was the Pastor of the Church next door to him, and that kept me busy for years. Then, I moved to Philadelphia, and talk about a culture change, school was really different.

Fast Forward to The Story Behind Gina’s Ginormous Gifts and Gems

The Next major phase in my life was moving to the South. Here I raised children and met the man of my dreams. We returned to The North for the rest of my children’s upbringing and to be available for my mother-in-law, who recently passed. Ultimately, I have worked many jobs, in many places, and done many things. Well, a real Jane of all trades, you could say.

My Education

In the beginning, I started with a pharmacy technician certificate and a lot of volunteering. I have attended school long enough to receive a Bachelor’s in Health Sciences: With an Emphasis on Health and Wellness. Continuing, long enough to finish getting half of a master’s in Disaster Medicine and Emergency Management. I have acquired many certificates and lots of papers.

Most recently, I have worked as a Behavioral Assistant for children, in the home. I have been a caretaker and Nanny too. Prior to this, I achieved homeschooling my children and substitute teaching for years before Covid. Fast forward, I now am witnessing the graduation of my youngest son, and am looking forward to my family’s future ahead together. Oh, and I am a Notary for the State of New Jersey.

Gina Costello’s Favorite Things

My favorite thing is spending time with my family, and I’m proud of where they are. I am looking forward to the next season that I will experience with them.

My favorite show is The Chosen, and my favorite out-of-family moment is the time I spend with my ladies’ group/community. So, my family, my faith, and my helping others are most important to me right now. So for that reason, I could not be happier that I have found this new venture that I have started.

We are an online Community of “Work From Home Entrepreneurs” learning from the 33 years of Marketing Expertise of Rory Ricord. What a community! Already, I am growing with the online community and I am enjoying the gigantic family that we are creating together.


Here again, we are in a new year. You will be amazed at the gifts and finds throughout the pages of this site. I promise that you will enjoy the time that you spend here and will find a large number of great items that you will enjoy, along with the convenience of DTC marketing. Therefore, take your time, browse this site, and come back often. Maybe, while enjoying a glass of boutique liquid gold.

I am a Marketer

As everyone does, I began by searching for what I was supposed to do in life. Depending on our upbringing, it could be a job that someone in our family performed, a plan that someone else made for us, or a dream in our hearts. Ultimately, none of these are wrong. Most importantly, I feel that I must serve my purpose, throughout the seasons of my life. I have done many jobs in my life, earned many certificates in education, and hopefully have been a great resource to many. However, now I am a marketer and excited to work, like never before.

I have been working hard for years at being a mother, wife, caretaker, and devoted employee. With consistent optimism, as a standard in my toolbox, I have managed to trudge through many storms. Now, I get to use the internet to share many awesome products and ideas with everyone around the world. For instance, now I can set a goal and keep it or get more than one thing done at a time.

There is Plenty of Room in our Marketing Family

I am a Marketer

Therefore, anyone who wants to become a marketer can join our RRR247 family of direct-to-consumer (DTC) Ambassadors. Come and Achieve your dream of time and financial freedom. You will even be able to keep your other interests alive. As a marketer, I am able to get ideas and products to others without even leaving my home. As a result, I can even get these offers to them from anywhere I choose or need to be.

I am a Marketer and you can be too!

In conclusion, we are an online community of “Work From Home Entrepreneurs, and we are learning from the 33 years of Marketing Expertise of Rory Ricord. Rory is a published Author of “Marketing Is Freedom.” For instance, it doesn’t matter if you wear 1,2, or 3 hats daily, you can succeed in this online community. Of course, it is hard work, but that is what keeps us sharp.

All Things Online Business

All things online business will help you in adding more methods for your marketing because no longer are boundaries necessary. The world has become a smaller place with worldwide shipping and translation services bridging to communication. On this community site, “All Things Online Business”, there are many options for time freedom, and life-altering opportunities. According to Shopify, two out of every five Americans have made a purchase directly from a brand or manufacturer, bypassing marketplaces like Amazon and Walmart. Have you heard of a real way to Make Money Blogging? So, maybe you are just looking to find that solution and to do it with the dream of it being online… It may sound too good to be true, but many people are already doing it.

How We Market in Our Community

Direct to consumer, D2C, or DTC stands for the way of selling products to customers by having control over the whole sales process. Therefore, this growing area of sales skyrocketed during the Covid virus. The pandemic forced consumers to trust the ones in control of the entire supply chain process and the suppliers to find alternative ways to deliver services and products. The world quickly forced brands and manufacturers to hurry up with this new up-and-coming way of business. E-Commerce sales soared like eagles. This type of sales compares to wholesale selling with many advantages.

  • direct relationship with customers
  • use data collected to create specific targeted marketing campaigns
  • can keep their brand closely aligned with their values and missions
  • have better control over inventory
  • can adjust inventory to changes quickly without waste
  • can offer personalized service
  • can generate higher margins of profit

All things online business

FREE BITCOIN MINING: This is one of the best GIFTS we have on our site. All are super easy through this first-ever “Smart Miner” application, which will allow you to earn Bitcoin through Mining. Super Easy, and Super Exciting. For instance, as Bitcoin becomes more and more valuable, how much do you want? Go here and be able to EARN with mining from your Computer 24 hours a Day. Get in the Bitcoin Craze (ALL FREE) Here:

Make Money Online, through a proven program we call Link Post Blogging.

So, what is Link Post Blogging?

Link Post Blogging is what you are seeing on this very website. We find amazing offers, and share them with our website visitors, registered members, and web searchers that come to this page. Link Post Blogging is the way in which we advertise and get listed throughout the many Search Engines.

Link Post Blogging was developed and created by the Marketing Guru Rory Ricord. It allows for the use of online marketing to promote virtually any product or service.

All Things Online Business Can Help You and Your Family

Thank you for stopping by all things online business. On this site, you will find a way to understand and begin this journey for yourself. We rely on the internet, social media services, mobile applications, and e-commerce tools on a daily basis. We have access to many ways to create and generate income. As a result, you can feel good about giving back along the way too. Come back often for updates, new information, and new finds to better your future. Oh, and if you are already working, you can still work at your own pace and still succeed.

E-Style Business and Marketing

social media

Business and Marketing E-Style, or the act of conducting trade online, has created a whole new way of life. No longer are boundaries necessary. The world has become an easier place to distribute goods. This online community is no exception. Here, many items and opportunities you see available will save you time and money. Everything from entertainment to health and wellness products will come your way. Ultimately, you will never get enough surprises.

Business and Marketing Is Using the Internet

Business and Marketing-E-Style is Booming

In the new age of “Work from Home”, there are many reasons to check out this amazing opportunity. This opportunity is the basis for our mega online community. Who doesn’t want time and financial freedom? How about time to raise the kids, time to provide self-care, and time to flourish in our relationships? And don’t forget, time to help others. This is real, and you are going to be very happy that you found this today. Most importantly, you will get to share your new way of life with many others.

How We Do Business Through Marketing

Direct to consumer, D2C, or DTC stands for the way of selling products to customers by having control over the whole sales process. The pandemic forced consumers to trust the ones in control of the entire supply chain process and the suppliers to find alternative ways to deliver services and products. The world quickly forced brands and manufacturers to hurry up with this new up-and-coming way of business. E-Commerce sales soared like eagles. This type of sales compares to wholesale selling with many advantages.

  • direct relationship with customers
  • use data collected to create specific targeted marketing campaigns
  • can keep their brand closely aligned with their values and missions
  • have better control over inventory
  • can adjust inventory to changes quickly without waste
  • can offer personalized service
  • can generate higher margins of profit

FREE BITCOIN MINING: This is one of the best GIFTS we have on our site. All are super easy through this first-ever “Smart Miner” application, which will allow you to earn Bitcoin through Mining. Super Easy, and Super Exciting. Go here and be able to EARN with mining from your Computer 24 hours a Day. Get in the Bitcoin Craze (ALL FREE) Here:

Business and Marketing-E-Style Straight From the Best


Most of us have spent years traveling to and from a job that did not provide financial freedom or create a healthy balance in our lives. The grind of the 9-5 has not shown to be the most productive way to achieve the American Dream. Don’t worry anymore, you have just reached the right site to move you from unproductive living to creating the life that you have always wanted.

Come Learn How RRR Started

Marketing is Freedom will give you a great read, written by an amazing online marketing guru. Rory Ricord is the author of this inspirational read, “Marketing is Freedom”, and this online community creator. He can teach you how to be an online marketing powerhouse with step-by-step instructions. Follow this genuinely unique program and learn to “Blog With Rory”. It will completely change your life, and you will learn a new way of making money by using the business and marketing E-style.