I Dream Big

 I Dream Big

Beginning Early in Life

We all know the story! Dream Big. You can be anything you want or you can do anything that you want to. Now in Kindergarten, you start with picture books and the typical helper jobs, maybe even the example of being moms and dads. At this point, some of us even know what our parents and grandparents do for a living.

The Beginning Advanced

What do you want to be when you grow up? We’ve come a long way since the times when people grew up training to learn the trade that their parents knew. Some still hold that dream in their hearts and continue bringing the life they learned forward into the future. Others find reasons to work with the advancing times that have developed over the past decades.

The Next Stages of Dream Big

Then comes high school, and you realize that the next four years are going to fly by. At this point, we have said to have dreamed of being ballerinas, princesses, astronauts, firemen, police officers, teachers, etc. We all have gifts and talents, that I hope someone has seen and tried to help guide us in working toward using them. Hopefully, by this time you have found some interest in some activities. This is where the pressure begins to make a plan for the future.

What Dream Big Means to Me

I Dream Big

As for me, my youngest son is at this point in his life right now. I hope that I have done enough in, these two stages, to allow him to discover God’s plan for him without too many twists and turns. Yes, it’s important what you do for a living, but I think that what we do for others is even more important. I feel the way we treat others and living with integrity is the key to happiness. Money is good, sharing is caring, and six figures can help. So for that reason, dreaming big to me right now means that I plan to succeed in this online community marketing business. I want to reach my dreams by making a plethora of income, sharing what I learn with others, and helping others to advance and reach their dreams. So as for the new year ahead, I only know that it will be more productive and profitable.

How I See This Dream Playing Out

For reasons of specificity, I will lay out a plan for short and long-term goals. According to my vision board planners, I was to call it Dream Big, just as our marketing family chose to do also. It was such an important project that whoever could get together in NC on New Year’s Eve did. Mine was made based on the positivity that I am declaring in my life this year. My word for the year is Powerful. I am looking to bring out the power that is in me. That power that we are given and often overlook with unbelief. I am believing that I will be giving back in numerous ways.

The dreams that have been put in my heart over the years have not been lost. So, I am declaring that my family and I will own some land. We will live and work on that land. I will own a large and drivable camper so we can see some of the beautiful world that the Lord has made. My greatest desire is to see my husband fish for fun and not for the money. It was a very back-breaking job in the working years and it would be great to see him enjoy his passion without any stress. The money would not be totally out of the question, we do own a tuna permit.

Short-Term Mission

As for the short-term goals, I am working hard to get further up in my position with RRR247. I have the tools given to me, I just need to get my finances secure. We have to get away from renting and work toward a new home this year where our son can find his future dream. Through being kind, compassionate, and helping others this dream will play out way Bigger than I can ever imagine.