Happy New Year

Well, Here we are again. We just moved into a new year and it can be happy and stressful. Stressful only because taxes are due, you have to change the calendar and try to get the date right on your important papers. This year is going to be amazing for many reasons. I believe if we look back to last year, it was pretty good. Sometimes we get so hyper-focused on things that may have not worked out the way we planned. I wish that wasn’t what most of us started thinking about the past few months. So, let’s begin with this motto, New Year New You, in 2013.

Dream Bigger and Experience Success

This year I am following the dream bigger philosophy in two groups in my life. My online community of marketers and my group of lady friends. Both groups have people from all over the country (and even some people from around the world). The support in this online marketing community is amazing. All of our members have one thing in common, we are all here to help others and create streams of income. Helping others first. So, If you would like to try a new you by making money blogging at home or wherever you have an internet connection, we can help.

Happy New Year

A Happy New Year To A New You

Every year it’s time to feel like change is necessary. If we could just set little goals and visions to make little things better than the year before, it would be awesome. We would be less stressed and feel as if we fulfilled our purpose. Here our online community has located a way to bio-hack into wellness. Start the new year off right by getting your youth back.

Happy New Year Visions

new year visions

I would say we all have some of the same dreams and visions at the start of the new year. Some of the things we all hope for are more managed weight gains/losses, and more sleep. Another topic that we all usually agree on in the new year is most of us want to travel. Near or far, it doesn’t matter. We have a unique way to travel and earn. As we are going into the new year and want to try new items that are properly made and hard to find you will come here and see the most amazing cost effective gems around. If you want to try fine wines that are incredible from our exclusive Napa Valley vineyard, look here and learn how to purchase and even make money for yourself.

Gifts All Year Long

When you think about it, there are so many needs for great presents. For her, for him, for them, shower types, wedding ones, birthday ones, and holiday ones. Just to name a few. For some, the best present could be a pet. Who doesn’t love a new companion and all of the things that they need? This is a must-read for anyone that owns or is rather owned by a Pet. We will break down some common sense and then share some incredible finds with you. Another way to celebrate is to take a trip. An all-planned out vacation would be the best way to relax and enjoy time well spent. If I did not have to map out a trip and could trust the person setting everything up for me, I would probably call that the greatest thing that I could receive right now.

We can always find ways to gift people in our lives. Not only Holidays and Birthdays, but any day of the year. For example, It’s a new year and someone invites you to a gathering. You may want to take something to celebrate with. This starts off a new year with a bang, and this is just the beginning of a giving season. Here at Gina’s Ginormous Gifts and Gems, I would like to show you some amazing gifts. There are many gifts to bundle together or even create a beautiful basket from.


Giving is From the Heart

I don’t know about you, but nothing feels better than giving a gift to someone. Especially if it’s that gift that is so unique that it knocks their socks off. If someone asked you, “what is the most amazing gift that you have ever gotten”? What would you say? I don’t know if any of us could answer that question, we have had so many at this point. There are unique ideas on this site that anyone would just love to receive. Just remember, gifts are from the heart. As an idea, I like to make cookbooks with recipe ideas that someone can use for a long time whenever they feel like enjoying a great meal or dessert.

Don’t Forget…..

Don’t forget to come back again and again to the many pages on this site when you need to find that amazing thing for every occasion. Things change all the time and information updates often. You will enjoy everything. Oh, and definitely look for items for yourself. You deserve a gift today too……. Some even have a way of giving back by joining and having others join you too.

Direct to Consumer (DTC)

Direct to consumer, D2C, or DTC stands for the way of selling products to customers by having control over the whole sales process. Therefore, this growing area of sales skyrocketed during the Covid virus. The pandemic forced consumers to trust the ones in control of the entire supply chain process and the suppliers to find alternative ways to deliver services and products. The world quickly forced brands and manufacturers to hurry up with this new up-and-coming way of business. E-Commerce sales soared like eagles. This type of sales compares to wholesale selling with many advantages.

  • direct relationship with customers
  • use data collected to create specific targeted marketing campaigns
  • can keep their brand closely aligned with their values and missions
  • have better control over inventory
  • can adjust inventory to changes quickly without waste
  • can offer personalized service
  • can generate higher margins of profit
Direct to Consumer

The Way We Market

Our online community has already been delivering education and services to people in this way for years. We are an online Community of “Work From Home Entrepreneurs.” Learning from the 33 years of Marketing Expertise of Rory Ricord. Rory Ricord is a published author of “Marketing Is Freedom.” Marketing is Freedom is available on Amazon, Audible, and directly at https://marketingisfreedom.com.

Direct-to-consumer marketing allows consumers to get the items that they need without all of the middlemen and jargon. All businesses can thrive using this model. Fortunately, by finding this community, you can experience DTC marketing at its best.

Our Direct-to-Consumer Marketing Family

Direct to Consumer

In our large marketing family, we have amazing people that want to give back to others the same way it was given to them. If you give it a chance, with an open mind, you will see that it makes complete sense. Rory and Tanya Ricord have devised a perfect strategy to target the perfect market. Here at this organization, we are fortunate to have a couple with a vision toward success. They have a knack to see into the future and plan ahead. So because of this, our community is growing and thriving every day. Direct to Consumer marketing is here to stay, and Rory and Tanya Ricord knew this long ago. The first and foremost item to be enjoyed through direct to consumer marketing is a premium selection of true, fine wines from Napa Valley. You will enjoy these special vintages, share them, and enjoy them while you wait for the next Vintage to age, naturally.

Second, we have an amazing opportunity for you to enjoy getting healthy while you build a business. It is an amazing way to reach your future goals in five years and retire happy.

while you enjoy yourself searching this site for opportunities and great items, you can contact us for help and information about creating a better life. We are always here to assist you with anything you may need.

I Dream Big

 I Dream Big

Beginning Early in Life

We all know the story! Dream Big. You can be anything you want or you can do anything that you want to. Now in Kindergarten, you start with picture books and the typical helper jobs, maybe even the example of being moms and dads. At this point, some of us even know what our parents and grandparents do for a living.

The Beginning Advanced

What do you want to be when you grow up? We’ve come a long way since the times when people grew up training to learn the trade that their parents knew. Some still hold that dream in their hearts and continue bringing the life they learned forward into the future. Others find reasons to work with the advancing times that have developed over the past decades.

The Next Stages of Dream Big

Then comes high school, and you realize that the next four years are going to fly by. At this point, we have said to have dreamed of being ballerinas, princesses, astronauts, firemen, police officers, teachers, etc. We all have gifts and talents, that I hope someone has seen and tried to help guide us in working toward using them. Hopefully, by this time you have found some interest in some activities. This is where the pressure begins to make a plan for the future.

What Dream Big Means to Me

I Dream Big

As for me, my youngest son is at this point in his life right now. I hope that I have done enough in, these two stages, to allow him to discover God’s plan for him without too many twists and turns. Yes, it’s important what you do for a living, but I think that what we do for others is even more important. I feel the way we treat others and living with integrity is the key to happiness. Money is good, sharing is caring, and six figures can help. So for that reason, dreaming big to me right now means that I plan to succeed in this online community marketing business. I want to reach my dreams by making a plethora of income, sharing what I learn with others, and helping others to advance and reach their dreams. So as for the new year ahead, I only know that it will be more productive and profitable.

How I See This Dream Playing Out

For reasons of specificity, I will lay out a plan for short and long-term goals. According to my vision board planners, I was to call it Dream Big, just as our marketing family chose to do also. It was such an important project that whoever could get together in NC on New Year’s Eve did. Mine was made based on the positivity that I am declaring in my life this year. My word for the year is Powerful. I am looking to bring out the power that is in me. That power that we are given and often overlook with unbelief. I am believing that I will be giving back in numerous ways.

The dreams that have been put in my heart over the years have not been lost. So, I am declaring that my family and I will own some land. We will live and work on that land. I will own a large and drivable camper so we can see some of the beautiful world that the Lord has made. My greatest desire is to see my husband fish for fun and not for the money. It was a very back-breaking job in the working years and it would be great to see him enjoy his passion without any stress. The money would not be totally out of the question, we do own a tuna permit.

Short-Term Mission

As for the short-term goals, I am working hard to get further up in my position with RRR247. I have the tools given to me, I just need to get my finances secure. We have to get away from renting and work toward a new home this year where our son can find his future dream. Through being kind, compassionate, and helping others this dream will play out way Bigger than I can ever imagine.

Bio Hacking for Health

When it comes to our staying young, bio-hacking for health is the new natural way to go and we have a perfect regimen. Isn’t it fun to watch young people have amazing energy and just appear to go long hours without a break? Remember those days? Moreover, the incredible baby soft skin of infants, to dream about having that again. Finally, just feel incredible. Youth of today, appear to be oblivious that all things change with age.


Are you aware that your Skin is your number one defense in immunity as well? After all, it is the largest organ of the body, so this product is great at protecting everything. Time is the enemy, we age and things change. We do not have to go into our age with wisdom gained and lost. Science has come to the rescue, and today more than ever, the right people have created the right products to give us back our right life! It’s all in an easy-to-take “SNAP”!


brān®, pronounced [breyn], is for anyone with a Brain. It is Bio Hacking Genus that truly makes you feel better and perform better. Let life happen, but at the speed, you can conceive through Science and Nature combined. With this little SNAP, I am able to focus on the tasks before me. My mood is uplifting and I smile a lot more than I did before. This is one of the most life-changing products we have ever witnessed, used, and now shared with others. And the best is that there are 3 flavors and I love them all. You should try it now too and then be sure to tell me your favorite flavor!

Oh, and our newest flavor, Chocolate Mint has just been made permanent! We are so excited because the yummy taste that was going to be limited availability is so popular with our customers, they made it a permanent flavor! YES!! For a limited time, you can order our special edition, Pumpkin Spice. Straight or in your favorite drink, enjoy the taste AND the results!


TUUN™ Resonate is a wearable bio hack designed to help protect your body from rogue EMFs. Just place your tuün™ Resonate pendant around your neck, in your pocket, on your bedside table, or anywhere near you to protect yourself from all sorts of electro smog coming at you. Don’t miss the bright purple box below.

zlēm™, pronounced [zleem] is another Bio-Hacking product. This is one that delivers in areas that really enhance our quality of life. Digestion, sleep, and a magical effect of putting your body into an “Athletic State” while you sleep. I personally have seen the trackable results, thanks to my Smart Watch! You see before zlēm™, I was maybe getting 6 hours of “sleep” a night. However, that sleep also included waking up multiple times with massive back and rib cramps. My quality of sleep was 70% if I was lucky. Today, I can get 9 plus hours of sleep and average 95-97% of quality sleep. Oh, and on those nights where I can’t get the amount because I stayed up too late, the 5-6 hours are still allowing me amazing rest that I need to make it through the next day without a n


Each product has incredible details as to what they can do for you We promise you will be so happy you tried them, and you will enjoy the enhancements in your life going forward.

uüth™ [pronounced yüth] is an incredible Bio-Hacking Product. You will love what it does for your Hair, Nails, Skin, and Libido. This is like the ultimate Peter Pan Effect, you will never grow up! I personally love the flavor and take it first thing in the morning. Personally, I have eliminated knee pain where I had my ACL replacement 16 years ago. Additionally, the dry patches on my elbows are healthy looking. I look and feel fantastic, it is the best liquid collagen on the market in an incredibly portable package.

Start with uüth™, and then realize how well it works. Maybe, you will think; then the other products must be amazing too. You would be 100% correct. So much enjoyment will come from experiencing this bio-hacking product that you will feel like you were finally the one to find The Fountain of Youth.

CLICK and Start your new journey for Youth Now!!! Because we know biohacking for Health works; This is absolutely a MUST-HAVE product. Get it within just a few days and watch and feel the difference immediately.

It starts with your very first “Snap” and then continues. After 30 days you will really be noticing things. After 60 even more, and 90 days you will be swearing by it like we are. These are products our bodies absolutely need.

Time is the Enemy, and we just found a way to fight it all the way:

Bio-Hacking For Health

It is called uuth and is an incredible starting point in the world of Bio-Hacking. See, not all things work by themselves. There are factors why. With Science and the alignment of the right ingredients, taken in right, the amount will interact with other key ingredients, then we get “BIO HACKING”. So while others may focus on Collagen, S7, or NMN separately, we focus on a blend that is made to perform. This is incredible. There are no other words to explain it. Just wait till you start with your first SNAP!

So, more on What uuth™ is all about: ITS Bio-Hacking For Health

Hair: After taking your first uuth™ Snap you will be able to see stronger, healthier, shinier, and more vibrant Hair. Let what time has done be reversed with this incredible product. And while it’s not an overnight “BAM”, it is going to become incredible as you continue to feed your body with uüth™.

Nails: You will really see it within the first month, and then more and more as you continue with this incredible product. Also, you can gain back strength and growth as this product feeds your nails. Your natural nails will become so strong and beautiful. This is an amazing benefit to uuth™.

Skin: Many of us are envious of someone we know that has that Glowing Gorgeous skin. We all can have that with this incredible uuth™ Snap! Regardless of where you see your skin now, the proper ingredients in the bio-hacking solution we have access to here is going to help so many people. Skin is our largest organ. And now we can do something daily to help it win over aging.

Libido: There is more to this bio-hacking genius that we have in uuth™. It starts with a “SNAP”. Consuming the amazingly, tasty syrup things just start to happen. Circulation and more get a wake-up call. Sludge is motivated to move again, and our body is given tools to really make things better. Quality of life in and out of the bedroom is about to change, and we are loving the changes.

uuth™ is amazing. And just wait till you add the other Bio-Hacking Products to the effectiveness of what is possible

Start Bio-Hacking for Health Here

Don’t you believe that Living better means more time to enjoy life? As we get older, we should be able to do more things. See more of the World but with the energy and youth to enjoy it best! Who doesn’t want to share this incredible gift of Science with those you love and care for?

When you find something that truly works, you should want to share it with others. Let them also have the benefits of Bio-Hacking! With that, WANT TO SEE THE MOST INCREDIBLE WAY TO HELP OTHERS AND MAKE MONEY? 

Get Going with us as an Ambassador (Recommended), Influencer, or Promoter, and be the person your entire World will want to be connected with. Time is ticking away, it is time to fight. Oh, and when you do, you will be connected to all the help, support, and resources you will need. So, help us share this with the rest of the world. Because we are so happy and in love with these products, we are on a mission to share them. We are also on a mission to help the Youth of Wealth. As a result, with the bio-hacking genius here, we get access to it all.

E-Style Business and Marketing

social media

Business and Marketing E-Style, or the act of conducting trade online, has created a whole new way of life. No longer are boundaries necessary. The world has become an easier place to distribute goods. This online community is no exception. Here, many items and opportunities you see available will save you time and money. Everything from entertainment to health and wellness products will come your way. Ultimately, you will never get enough surprises.

Business and Marketing Is Using the Internet

Business and Marketing-E-Style is Booming

In the new age of “Work from Home”, there are many reasons to check out this amazing opportunity. This opportunity is the basis for our mega online community. Who doesn’t want time and financial freedom? How about time to raise the kids, time to provide self-care, and time to flourish in our relationships? And don’t forget, time to help others. This is real, and you are going to be very happy that you found this today. Most importantly, you will get to share your new way of life with many others.

How We Do Business Through Marketing

Direct to consumer, D2C, or DTC stands for the way of selling products to customers by having control over the whole sales process. The pandemic forced consumers to trust the ones in control of the entire supply chain process and the suppliers to find alternative ways to deliver services and products. The world quickly forced brands and manufacturers to hurry up with this new up-and-coming way of business. E-Commerce sales soared like eagles. This type of sales compares to wholesale selling with many advantages.

  • direct relationship with customers
  • use data collected to create specific targeted marketing campaigns
  • can keep their brand closely aligned with their values and missions
  • have better control over inventory
  • can adjust inventory to changes quickly without waste
  • can offer personalized service
  • can generate higher margins of profit

FREE BITCOIN MINING: This is one of the best GIFTS we have on our site. All are super easy through this first-ever “Smart Miner” application, which will allow you to earn Bitcoin through Mining. Super Easy, and Super Exciting. Go here and be able to EARN with mining from your Computer 24 hours a Day. Get in the Bitcoin Craze (ALL FREE) Here:

Business and Marketing-E-Style Straight From the Best


Most of us have spent years traveling to and from a job that did not provide financial freedom or create a healthy balance in our lives. The grind of the 9-5 has not shown to be the most productive way to achieve the American Dream. Don’t worry anymore, you have just reached the right site to move you from unproductive living to creating the life that you have always wanted.

Come Learn How RRR Started

Marketing is Freedom will give you a great read, written by an amazing online marketing guru. Rory Ricord is the author of this inspirational read, “Marketing is Freedom”, and this online community creator. He can teach you how to be an online marketing powerhouse with step-by-step instructions. Follow this genuinely unique program and learn to “Blog With Rory”. It will completely change your life, and you will learn a new way of making money by using the business and marketing E-style.

Welcome Aboard

Welcome aboard to an amazing online community. A community where friends connect by sharing the latest and greatest products/services available today. On this site, you will find many items and deals that help make life more enjoyable.

Keeping You in the Know

There are always items and offers to meet the needs and pleasures of everyone in your circle. While not everything considered new stuff is worth making it to our site, we do look at anything sent to our email from visitors, and friends.

Bookmark this page and return every chance that you get. Our online community is growing at warp speed. Be aware that some offers are time-sensitive and you don’t want to miss any of the extraordinary deals available. You will benefit from the information that is tried, tested, and proven to keep you happy and healthy.

Welcome Aboard and Discover the Exciting Journey Ahead

welcome to our community

Community Benefits in Timing and Helping Others:

  • Access to Being the First to Know When Something Incredible is Released to the World! We get to see it first. And in many “True Life Examples”; We Get to See It and Use it Years before the Masses of the World Even know they exist.
  • Be a Part of the Largest “Pay It Forward” Community on the Planet. We are “Paying It Forward” in Major Ways here. Wait till you see the full impact of what we are a part of. Because we all want to be Part of Solving the Issues of the World. Here we Get To Do It! Cannot wait to Share it with You and Your Family. Contact Us to pay it forward too!